Friday, August 14, 2015

Barberry-Check: Dark-Chocolate Energy-Bites with Healthy Companions

Hello again, dear friends!

How are you? Feeling lonesome in your kitchens? 
Well here I am, guys. Finally. Holidays are almost over and I feel chased. By something impatient. By something that needs some attention. No, not a child. By my Bachelor-Thesis. Darn. How long will I manage to procrastinate that bastard? 
As long as I got ideas for you, honeys, at least!
So what's up?
The time of being forever 21 is over. Now that sounds paradox. Anyways. As a newly minted 22-year-old I really should share some sweet inspiration with you, should I not?
Especially because my environment knows only too well how fond I am of good food, cooking and baking. Therefore I got a lot of somewhat-food-blog-related gifts for my birthday. Should not be too bad for you all, I suppose. And, yes of course, it is not that I did not have enough sweets lately. And, surely, I said one or the other time something like "boah, I had enough sweets for the whole year, I am gonna need a pause". But, people, it's me. That means: I open my eyes the morning after, with my sweet tooth jolting me awake, I run straight to the kitchen and there I go, happily mixing and stiring a dentist's desaster.
However, as you know me, I always make sure that I prepare the sweet stuff in a way it would pass every ever so rigorous health-police. And so I did this time, with some of the edible treasures my Mom gave me: Barberries.
Honeslty? I had never used them before. So it was a little adventure. (Well yeah, adventure is pretty relative. For me it is at the moment, just saying for you to get an idea of how boring my life is right now). 
Anyways, I have tried the result myself (just one little, very very little bite of course) and I must say: those little red guys definitely work for sweets. Additionally, they have a lot of Vitamin C and an antibacterial effect.
Having bought some lovely spices recently, I also decided to metaphorically travel to the middle east in my kitchen today. Which, in the end, added up to this:

Dark-Chocolate-Sesame-Chunks with Barberries, Sunflowerseeds and Honey

These beauties are rich in flavonols, Vitamin C, folate and happiness. In short: Good for your heart, skin, energy and well-being!
And that's how easy you get them:


100g dark chocolate
100 g sesame paste
50 g honey
25 g dried barberries
50 g sunflower seeds
1/2 teaspoon ground anise
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves


1. roast sunflower seerd and soak barberries in boiling water
2. melt chocolate with sesame paste, spices and hones
3. mix everything, spread on baking sheet (about 0.5 cm thick) and refrigerate for 1-2 hours

Enjoy these little temptations with coffee or as a fuelling snack in between! 
I wish you all a sunny weekend guys (Sunnier than the one that expects me in good old Switzerland, by all means)!
See you soon!

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